Halloween Contests

I’ve actually only participated in a handful of art contests. Regretfully I don’t recall many of them, and the online ones aren’t really even worth mentioning… However, my day job hosts some Halloween contests of varying themes every year, and so far I’ve always participated in the coloring/art sections—and managed to win. HA! TAKE THAT! (eh… to nobody one in particular :’])

I don’t know, it might seem like a little thing to be proud of, but honestly my art pictures are one of the few things I’ve never been shy about (hence the website). Yes, I’m actually generally a timid and/or quiet in person and have been frequently told that I have a resting nervous face… but when it comes to art, I will most definitely shove every drawing, painting, sketch, doodle, scribble I’ve ever done in your face if you let me— even if I actually hate the picture because I feel like I’ve done a terrible job. Sorry, but not really…

What were we talking about? Oh yah! The Halloween contests! Basically we’re handed a coloring page, told to get creative, and then turn in your final work before the end of October, and then some judges will judge and and announce the winners later. For funzies, I decided I’d just share my entrees for both years. If nothing else, I get to claim my bragging rights, right?

Colored with coloring pencils and sharpie to draw in "Seemore"

The first year I participated we received a Frankenstein’s Monster picture, and if I remember right, we were told to try to incorporate the company’s mascot (Which is an eyeball named “Seemore”). Hence the eyeball peeking out of the monster’s forehead.

This year we were given a picture of the company mascot and were told to put it in a costume. I thought to myself, “If I were a single eyeball, what kind of costume would I want to wear…?”

Sketched and colored with ink (colors alcohol ink markers).

We weren’t handed ribbons this year, since everything was sent remotely, but I did actually get 1st place for this picture as well.

Anyway, so that’s what I’ve done contest wise. I hope you’re thoroughly impressed! And it not… well that’s perfectly acceptable, you really don’t have to be, but I do hope everyone has had a very excellent Halloween 2021! If you’ve done some of your own spooky art this year, feel free to share! I’m not sure whether pictures can be posted through the comments, so if you’d like to just post your instagram or twitter handles instead. I’d love to see your work :]

-Fox Bandit


Where the Heck..?


Let me introduce myself…