Relatable Struggles

Sometimes the funniest jokes are the ones that sting because of just how accurate the information and punchlines are. I came across a giggle this morning while reading a webtoon about D&D players. When you’re a storyteller, there’s a lot of obstacles one comes across (no matter the form of story telling) and one of them is working with characters who’s expertise and experience lives outside your own. Imagination and research is very necessary and helpful, but sometimes we story-tellers hit some hilarious walls. For example, some characters in “The Chronicles of the Deathless Stray” are supposed to (or will become) super charismatic, intelligent, bad-asses that can outsmart and overcome all sorts of equally impressive nemesis… well I’m not putting myself down, but I’m hardly a Sherlock or Moriarty so occasionally I hit plot or dialogue moments when it feels like summoning brilliance might require sacrificing a goat first…

Silly sketch reflecting my writing process

Anyways, if you relate, feel free to mention it :] Sometimes struggles are just funny.

P.S. If you’re interested in looking up the D&D webtoon I mentioned, here’s the link 1HP Club. It makes me giggle anyway :]


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