Hawaiian Flowers

I moved to Hawaii not too long ago with my other half. As one can imagine there has been a lot of change, and while some changes are sad, we hoped that this would be a chance to pursue our dreams with a clean slate.

Since moving we started new jobs, new budgets, and new projects. It’s interesting getting settled into new routines, but I feel like I’m getting into a good spot to resurrect the projects that have been on hiatus (such as, but not limited to, my Webtoon stories). On top of the resurrected projects, I’ve been getting back into writing by practicing on a website called Vocal. (If you want to check out the stories and poems there, they’re free to read on my Vocal Profile) And of course, last but not least, I also started a new painting collection based on my new memories in Hawaii with the current focus on various flowers I’ve come across. My goal is to build this collection up to 25-30 paintings before I try selling any of them. In the meantime, I do want to share this project and my website is of course long overdue for an update.

A little special extra to my Hawaiian Flower paintings is the “surprise” side to the paintings. In the daylight, each painting should appear to be a normal acrylic painting of a flower (or collection of them) with a bit of glitter, stone, or pearly flakes worked into the paint.

Pink Hibiscus in Honolulu

However, I’ve also mixed UV activated glow-in-the dark paint, flecks, and/or powder into the acrylic paint or on the surface. If placed in sunlight, then the painting should reveal another version of itself once it’s dark.

Now I’m tired of writing about this, so on to updating the rest of this website! If you like the collection I’m adding, feel free to comment :]


“No Talent, No School”